Wednesday, October 11, 2006

An AWESOME blog!

I came across this blog under the "Blogs of Note" and I am so glad I did! It really makes you take a good look at the simple things in life that make you happy or at least smile. Check it out and do some thinking of your own. Just imagine what the world could be like if everyone did this every day???
Three Beautiful Things: Celebration, dogcart and legend.

Thank you Clare of Kent for sharing!



I feel like I'm being surrounded by cancer and I HATE it!

I lost my mom to Melanoma in 1997 (remember that bad year I mentioned?) and now my dad's sister has it. My aunt doesn't have the results yet, but they removed a big chunk of her leg (just like my mom) and I guess she's in a lot of pain.

We found out last week that a friend of ours from Maine just died of melanoma. Her daughter is a senior in high school this year.

The daughter of a good friend of mine in Wisconsin has leukemia and she is going to be getting a bone marrow transplant. She has young children, too.

One of my friends since junior high just told me her mom is in the last stages of colon cancer and is in a lot of pain, too.

My husband's aunt is fighting cancer right now, too. I believe she is almost done with her chemo.
I went to a new hairdresser last week and she is a breast cancer survivor, but her mom just found out she has lymphoma.

My grandma (mom's mom) is a 2-time breast cancer survivor and is turning 93 tomorrow! I really look up to and cherish that woman! She is a true inspiration and a very stubborn German! :)

Well, those are all my cancer stories. Now do you see why I feel surrounded?? It really seems to be becoming an epidemic and I am terrified that something will happen to me and I won't be able to be there for my kids and watch them grow up. If anything good is coming of this, it's really making me take a hard look at my lifestyle and make some healthy adjustments.

I would rather be unhealthy and not have any cancer in anyone's life, though.

Did I say a year?? I meant 5 months!!

Well, since my last post, we have moved half way across the country are are settled back in the midwest, although not very close to our families. My husband did graduate in May and in July we moved 2 kids, 2 cars, a small U-haul trailer and a dog 1300 miles from Maine to Nebraska with a stop in Wisconsin on the way!

I absolutely LOVE Nebraska (and I'm not even a Cornhuskers fan yet)!! I found a great job, my husband is very busy and loving his job, too. The kids have settled into their new school and Tori has started gymnastics again and Uriah has started Cub Scouts. We're having a birthday party for Tori on Saturday here at the house. She wanted a craft party, no princesses, Dora or My Little Ponies! So far only 3 girls are coming, but hopefully we'll end up with 5 or 6. I can't believe my baby is turning 6!

Life is pretty busy for us right now, but when you're really happy you don't mind so much. My family is coming down for Thanksgiving. I can't wait to show them the state! My husband's parents are coming for New Year's Eve! We used to spend every New Year's together with them before we moved to Maine so it will be really nice to do that again! We are a 9 hour car ride away from our families, which is a little far, but I wouldn't trade this area for the world! We can still get back to our families in a day which is a lot better than 2-3 days when we were in Maine! I'm only 5 1/2 hours from my cousin and a friend in Minneapolis which isn't much at all!

Life is good!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

What can happen in a year?

Well, it's been almost a year since I wrote in my blog and a lot can happen in a year!
Like what you may ask? Well, the biggest thing would be my father-in-law getting shipped overseas to Bagdahd to do his part to end terrorism followed a couple months later by my brother-in-law.
My father-in-law left behind a wife, 3 kids and 10 grandchildren. He was less than a year away from retirement with the National Guard, but they made him active before he could retire. He has sent our kids some neat things from overseas including very nice backpacks with their names embroidered on them.
My brother-in-law left behind a wife and 2 children - a 2 1/2 year old and a newborn. It's been the hardest on my mother-in-law. The next biggest thing that has happened in the last year is we found out my husband is graduating on May 19th - 1 to 2 years earlier than we thought he would! What does this mean for us? Well, based on an interview he has to go to March 2nd, we will hopefully be moving this summer closer to family!